Free Consultation

No Charge Complimentary Initial Consultation

One of our primary goals is to educate our community about the benefits of chiropractic. A very effective way to do this is by offering a no charge consultation to all new patients. The informational visit lasts about 15 minutes, and gives us an opportunity to explain chiropractic and to see if you are a chiropractic candidate.

The consultation consists of questions and answers after the required health history forms are filled out. When all the health concerns are answered, Dr. Tkachuk will decide if this is a chiropractic case and you can be helped in our clinic. If he thinks he can help you an examination will follow. Fees for the exam will be discussed. The need for x-rays or any other tests or imaging will be determined after the exam. Start now by taking an exciting step toward better health.

Please feel free to contact us to set up your no charge initial consultation.

CALL TODAY 817-481-9339

Disclaimer: "Free Consult" or "Free Consultation," shall mean any consult with either a licensed healthcare practitioner or a staff member of our office where no medical decision making and/or other essential components of an evaluation and management, E/M service is involved, and, hence, the consult cannot be billed to the insurance company as such or under any known circumstances. It does not include any therapy, adjusting, exams, or imaging studies. It is for the consultation with the doctor only.